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We use CSR to reinforce your brand’s commitment to your people

Our purpose, is to provide a suitable framework to CEOs, founders, marketing and HR heads, to maximise the impact through CSR based impact intervention and strengthen their brand - internally and externally.


Your CSR needs a ‘social mission’

Unlike donating a lump sum amount to any NGO, a social mission gives a sense of purpose to your CSR efforts. Here are some of the many reasons why having a social mission works wonders for your brand.

Consistent impact and hence visible results

Strengthens your market position

Rich employee engagement

Investors love this

Enhanced brand appeal




  • Find your impact niche

  • Choose a suitable social mission that aligns with your brand

  • Build an integrated brand CSR framework 

  • Create visual stories about your social good initiatives

  • Design and implement on ground CSR campaigns 

  • Measurement and reporting

  • We understand ‘brand’ and we understand ‘impact’

  • No nonsense transparent processes

  • Our impact goal setting is guided by the UN SDGs

  • Collabs with new-age social entrepreneurs and changemakers

  • Wide network of NGOs

  • Immersive campaign ideas and implementation

  • Scientific impact assessment and reporting

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Why us

Have you been thinking of introducing a systematic CSR model or improvising the current one?


Fill in your details in the form below and we will get in touch with you in 1-2 business days.

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Copyright @ Invoke Brandworks 2021

CALL: +91 9833899011  /  +91 9822430858

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